
The majority of web platforms we spend time on use private algorithms to decide what content we see. As users we have very minimal control over the data that is fed into these algorithms, how they make desicions, and what varibles they optimise for.


The lack of agency users have in the algorithimic decision making process creates a large power discrepancy. We have to accept whatever the algorithm serves up if we want to use the platform. There are very few affordances in the user interface design of these platforms that allow us to adjust the algorithm to serve our personal values and interests, as opposed tot he values and interests of the platform owners.


Provide affordances in the user interface that let people customise and tweak the programmes that generate algorithmically provided content. On a shallow level this might be indicating we like or dislike a certain piece of content, or want to see more content related to it. On a more meaningful level we would be able to adjust the input variables of these algorithms, adjust the outcomes they optimising for, and tailor them to our personal values and goals.